From Michael
Created by Martin 4 years ago
David and I were colleagues at Stafford since 1984, often lunching together and since we retired we used to meet regularly at a Birmingham lecture.
David was a lovely man! To me his predominant trait was his wisdom, which came with a quiet acceptance of the world as it was, but also with a gentle nudge toward how it could be better or how the problem might be approached. It was to him that I returned from a series of overseas meetings where we were writing an equipment standard acceptable to both users and makers worldwide. David would keep my feet on the ground, technically that is, and that was invaluable.
It was only gradually that I realised what a strong Christian he was, his faith so sure that it need be spoken of: what an example!
And like so may, my wife and I admired the devotion with which he looked after Joy, such a steadfast example of love.
May his inspiration be followed by many – and we give thanks for David.
Sincerely, and with best wishes from us both,
Michael Baker