M 9th December 2020

I also wanted you to know how much I have appreciated your support and encouragement over the years – it has meant so much to me when I arrived as a shy newly accredited minister. You and Joy made our family feel so very welcome. Your kind words, your encouragement, your support both practically – door locks, lawnmowers, to name but two - and also financially (particularly for my trips to India) have touched my heart. Over the years I have come to realise just how much your greeting and welcome as we gather for worship on a Sunday morning has meant to me – it was a highlight for sure, and I missed it when we or you were not there, and even more so during this very strange season. It reminded me of the welcome and greeting awaiting us all – and how much more so awaiting you – when we and you come into the presence of Jesus. In a way you modelled how Jesus will be welcoming you. This will be special in and of itself, as will your reunion with your beloved Joy. I tend to avoid using scriptures that have become clichéd, but I am more and more struck by just how powerful and meaningful Psalm 23 is in times like this – that even though we walk in the shadow of death, we need fear no evil because the Lord is with us. His rod and his staff is there for us, strengthening and encouraging us as well as comforting us.